Supply Planning

OnHand Inventory - Total Demand + System Recommendations = best inventory levels for 1,000 of products and locations.

Limited resources...make sure your inventory is on-time and where it needs to be.

OnHand Inventory

Be the conductor. Answer what to produce, when to produce it and where it needs to be.

Clear and concise supply plans that scale with operations or diversify production.

Immediate Actions

▪ Alert systems focus attention on what needs to get done first.

▪ View open updated inventory, purchase orders and sales orders all in one complete picture.

▪ Anticipate challenges before they arise.

Scenario Planning

▪ Specific changes in promotion planning, or new distribution answered with sync'd calculations.

▪ Communicate and reduce excess inventory. Lower carrying costs and improve margins.

Planning Horizon

▪ Look years into the future. Anticipate when resources will reach their limits and proactively develop plans to secure additional capacity.

▪ Enter into yearly contracts with confidence. Know minimums will hit while also not over extending partners.