Cloud Based Supply Chain Software Suite

Important business decisions need to be made with the full picture in view. Web-Integrated is supply chain software that combines all data sources into one central platform, so you can easily access information in a secure web-based environment. It allows you to quickly check inventory and respond accordingly (i.e. adjust production demands, schedule a transfer). The Web-Integrated system is also a seamless way to share information with your team - simply manage internal users and allow changes in the system to be viewed by all or just a specific few.

Collecting and Displaying Forecast

With proration and detailed bottom-up forecasts, Web-Integrated easily collects and displays in any unit of measurement (i.e. dollars, cases, eaches, pallets). The system also distributes responsibility to multiple users, and creates a hierarchy of sales rep forecasts against an executive forecast. The main reason for this is to assign top-line goals and let sales representatives decide detailed customer forecasts.

Demand Determines Inventory

Demand drives inventory, and inventory drives components. Web-Integrated uses a set of inventory parameters for each item/component to generate inventory suggestions. This ability to match demand to inventory, gives clear direction to internal departments and external suppliers, so they never over-produce, and always have components ready for assembly.

Communicate Through Shared Web Pages

Multiple emails, with multiple spreadsheets, can make if difficult to get the right data, when you need it. The Web-Integrated system makes collaboration easy with website sharing. Create custom pages for each supplier and update the information once. Even better – let the system generate production schedules, and immediately update suppliers on tasks to be completed.